Friday, 25 November 2011

San Francisco Ballet Announces National & International Broadcast of Neumeier's The Little Mermaid, Plus Worldwide Blu-Ray & DVD Distribution

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) April 5, 2011

San Francisco Balletthe oldest professional ballet company in Americahas announced that it will record Hamburg Ballet Artistic Director and Chief Choreographer John Neumeiers The Little Mermaid live, during two performances at the San Francisco War Memorial Opera House (May 3 and May 5, 2011). Filmed in high definition using eight cameras, both performances will be edited into a program broadcast to air on PBSs Great Performances

How Rent My Vacation Home (RMVH) Uses New Technology to Rent Vacation Homes

New York, New York (PRWEB) July 04, 2011

How Rent My Vacation Home rents summer vacation homes: It's never been easier to rent out the weeks that a vacation home is vacant. Vacation home owners can join this service for a short time for free with coupon "july4 ".

Rent My Vacation Home (RMVH) -- For vacationers, there's an affordable, comfortable and convenient alternative to booking a hotel room, it's renting a whole house.

And for owners of those vacation homes, renting their excess weeks out for profit have never been easier.

See 70,000 vacation homes for rent now on 83 website with one click. Ideally, it's a win-win for both parties; owners make some extra bucks and vacationers get more for their money.

Mr. Jay Kalin, CEO of and a authority on vacation home rental with 25 years experience, and a innovator of online market places for vacation home rentals, "The average traveler thinks that vacation homes are expensive to rent, but the vast majority of the homes available are reasonable." Reasonable means within the $ 100 to $ 300 a night peak season range. Off peak, a nice place might be $ 100 to $ 200 a night.

As for the owner, Kalin says "a recent poll Rent My Vacation Home (RMVH) clients revealed that the average weekly rate they received in rentals came to $ 1,707 and nearly half the respondents said their homes are occupied about 20 weeks per year. That suggests that an average owner could expect to bring in more than $ 34,000 in revenue a year."

Big market vacation homes do not sell:

During the past decade many of Americans bought vacation homes. Nearly 38 percent of all single family home purchases are for second homes. Most were bought primarily as investments but about a third of the purchases were as vacation homes.

Hundreds of thousands of vacation properties are available for short-term rentals. Rent My Vacation Home, alone has more than 70,000 properties available in the USA on 83 websites it owns. These often have many bargains for cost-conscious consumers.

Here's an example:

A beautiful three-bedroom, three-bath 2,297 square foot house in Orlando, Florida or California with one king-size bed and two queens, cable television and video library, stereo, fireplace, barbecue and more costs all of $ 1,546 a week, any season.

Compare that with a decent hotel in town, which will cost at least $ 150 a night per room - $ 2,465 a week. And hotel rooms don't have the extras that make a home rental even more of a deal and that add to the pleasure of vacationing.

For instance, these homes boast full kitchens and offer barbecue grills; families save big money by eating in and shareing costs.

Plus, there are often things to do around the house itself. In a hotel room, there's a television and that's that, but many vacation rentals have stereos, DVD players, game rooms, pool tables and other family-friendly diversions.

"I've found that people who stay in private homes don't feel as compelled to cram in every touristy activity in town," says Kalin. "They relax, which is what a vacation should be about."

But for some vacationers it takes a leap of faith for some people to rent a house on line, sight otherwise unseen.

That is why Rent My Vacation Home (RMVH) insures every vacation on their web sites.

"Does the property really exist? Is it as represented? These are some of the questions vacationers ask themselves," Kalin says.

His advice for the faint of heart is to take several steps to reassure themselves that the rental will go off as planned: Like using Rent My Vacation Home (RMVH) that insures the home from being a scam and accepts credit cards for payment on line with travelers insurance

Talk to the owners directly. That will establish them as responsive individuals.

Ask specific questions. Know what you're looking for in a vacation home and make sure the house has those referrals from customers. If the answer is vague or non-committal, move on to the next listing.

Examine the photos. Only consider rentals where you can see pictures of all the important rooms - each bedroom, kitchen and living room.

Make sure and pay with a credit card and get the Travel Guard insurance in case you have to cancel. Then, if the property is a scam Rent My Vacation Home will refund your money,

Rent My Vacation Home has a strict two strikes policy. After a property is the subject of two justified complaints, it is removed from Rent My Vacation Home . Even one complaint, if blatant enough, can be grounds for removal.

What owners should know :

For owners who want to rent out properties there are many places to list their properties but they don't have the credit card checkout and warranty built in. Kalin has advice for owners: "Use the credit card system that is set up with travel guard and make sure and take credit cards, it is included with your free membership. This will enable the vacationer to book the room just like they would a hotel. There is no difference making the reservation on Rent My Vacation Home or at a major hotel chain.The owners who do this rent 50 percent more than the ones who do not."

According to Kalin, who rents out a couple of vacation homes he owns, "Owners have few problems renting out their properties in markets like California, Florida, Hawaii and North and South Carolina." He says that most guests are very respectful of the properties and Rent My Vacation Home (RMVH) warranty the stay against damage as well with Travel Guard.

For more info call 1-800-699-RMVH.

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Health and Fitness Industry Urges C-Suite Executives to Lead America to Wellness by Taking Landmark CEO Pledge

Boston, Massachusetts (PRWEB) September 20, 2011

The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) is urging Americas business leaders to become personally involved in leading the United States to wellness by taking the CEO Pledge, a key component of the United States first-ever National Physical Activity Plan (Plan). The Plan is a comprehensive set of policies, programs, and initiatives aimed at increasing physical activity in all segments of the American population with the ultimate purpose of improving health, preventing disease and disability, and enhancing quality of life. Chief Executive Officers who take the pledge vow to improve employee health and wellness by producing opportunities and resources for physical activity before, during, or after the workday.

The CEO Pledge was unveiled last week at the HERO Forum, the annual conference of the Health Enhancement Research Organization, by Dave Pickering, a strategy leader for the Plan and CEO of Preventure.

The CEO Pledge makes clear that business leaders have an influential role to play in addressing our countrys health and health care crises, said Joe Moore, President and CEO of IHRSA. With most working adults spending roughly half their waking hours on the job on the days that they work, it is incumbent upon business and industry leaders to become part of the solution. By promoting physical activity and healthy lifestyles within the workplace, CEOs help their companys bottom line. But they also help society.

The CEO Pledge is being launched at an extremely significant timejust as world leaders are gathering in New York for the High-level meeting of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases. According to the UN, the four main non-communicable diseasescardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic lung diseases and diabeteskill three in five people worldwide, and cause great socioeconomic harm. This is only the second time in the history of the UN that the General Assembly has met on a health issue. The last issue was AIDS.

In todays largely sedentary work environments, these NCDs, or chronic diseases, are plaguing Americas workforce; driving up the cost of healthcare; and causing U.S. businesses to suffer considerable financial losses due to lost productivity resulting from absenteeism, disability, and presenteeism (being sick at work). Yet, many of these NCDs can be prevented, mitigated, and/or managed with regular exercise, proper diet, and healthy lifestyle behaviors.

Exercise and other workplace wellness programs can help curb the dramatic rise that we are seeing in these non-communicable diseases, said Moore. But these programs also bring significant financial benefits to businesses.

Researchers have documented anywhere from $ 1.49 to $ 13 return for every dollar invested in employee wellness. Studies show that employees who exercise at least once a week, regardless of their weight, have lower health care costs than their sedentary co-workers. One study, in fact, showed that active employees take 27 percent fewer sick days and report 14 to 25 percent fewer disability days than inactive employees. Whats more, workplace wellness programs help attract and retain talented employees.

According to a new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) that came out in advance of the UN High-level meeting, 87 percent of all U.S. deaths are due to NCDs. And 43 percent of the U.S. population is physically inactive.

The National Physical Activity Plan is inspiring action by U.S. leaders from multiple disciplines and is creating an historic movement to increase physical activity among all Americans, said Pickering. The CEO Pledge asks Americas business leaders to pledge their commitment to the betterment of their companies and employeesand to become part of the solution to our nations health and health care challenges.

Moore also noted: It is appropriate that we are taking action to implement our countrys own National Physical Activity Plan as world leaders gather to formulate ideas on how to strengthen national capacities globally for addressing the prevention and control of NCDs.

For more information about the CEO Pledge and to find out how to get your company involved, please contact the Plans Business and Industry Sector Co-Leader, Tom Richards at For ideas on ways to introduce exercise into the workplace, businesses can visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Healthier Worksite Initiative page, at

A healthy workforce is essential to Americas future prosperity, Moore adds. Workplace wellness can only be achieved with the personal support of top-level management. We urge Americas CEOsof large and small businesses aliketo exert their leadership and take the CEO Pledge.

Text of the CEO Pledge

For the betterment of my company, our employees, their families, and our country, I pledge to improve employee health and wellness by providing opportunities and resources for physical activity before, during or after the workday.

Primary Prevention and the Benefits of Regular Exercise

IHRSA has long been a proponent of primary prevention for a healthier, more prosperous America.

Primary prevention refers to the deterrence of disease before it occurs by engaging in beneficial lifestyle behaviors, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, avoidance of tobacco and other controlled substances, stress management, and routine medical exams.

Since the late 1980s, roughly two-thirds of the increase in health care spending in the United States has been due to the increased prevalence of treated chronic disease, according to the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease. Today, about half of all Americans suffer from one or more chronic disease. Yet, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chronic diseases are largely attributable to four controllable health risk behaviors: (1) the lack of physical activity, (2) poor nutrition, (3) tobacco use, and (4) excessive alcohol consumption.

The CDC estimates that 80 percent of heart disease and stroke, 80 percent of type 2 diabetes, and 40 percent of cancer could be prevented if Americans stopped smoking, exercised more, and started eating more healthfully. A full $ 5.6 billion in heart disease costs could be saved if 10 percent of adults began a regular walking program. And according to a 2008 report by the Trust for Americas Health, an investment of $ 10 per person per year in proven community-based programs to increase physical activity, improve nutrition, and prevent smoking and other tobacco use, could save the country more than $ 16 billion annually within five years. The potential savings in direct medical costs if all inactive American adults engaged in regular physical activity could be as high as $ 80,000,000,000.

Research shows that physical activity is extremely important to good health. At the proper moderate intensity, regular exercise significantly improves overall health; reduces the risk of heart disease by 40 percent; lowers the risk of stroke by 27 percent; reduces the incidence of high blood pressure by almost 50 percent; reduces the incidence of diabetes by almost 50 percent; can reduce mortality and the risk of recurrent breast cancer by almost 50 percent; can lower the risk of colon cancer by over 60 percent; can reduce the risk of developing of Alzheimers disease by one-third; and can decrease depression as effectively as medications or behavioral therapyaccording to Exercise is Medicine, a global initiative supported by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) calling on physicians to assess and review every patients physical activity program at every visit.


IHRSA is a not-

Global Cloud Computing Services Market to Reach US$127 Billion by 2017, According to New Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc.

San Jose, California (PRWEB) November 21, 2011

Follow us on LinkedIn - Cloud computing is an emerging paradigm computing concept that enables both information technology infrastructure and software to be delivered directly over the Internet as a service. This arrangement, whereby companies can expand network capacity, and run applications directly on a vendors network, offers a host of advantages with the most primary being radically lower IT costs. The lower budgetary requirements and commitments allow even smaller companies to piece together an IT project without spending on purchasing legacy server, and storage systems. Additionally, the burden of developing and maintaining the technological expertise required in running the network is transferred to the service provider. The pay-per-use basis of cloud computing helps transform the way IT departments create and deploy customized applications during these difficult times. By offering a more cost-effective, less risky, and fundamentally faster alternative to on-site application developments, cloud computing is poised to transform the economics of information technology in the next few years.

With the Internet being a foundation for cloud computing, the term cloud is used as a metaphor for the Internet. Thanks to new and improved networks, the Internet is fast emerging into vehicle for delivering computational requirements. The ubiquity of the Internet and the widespread availability of high-speed broadband access are the primary factors driving the movement towards the cloud. Although still a small percentage of the total IT spends, cloud services are strong drivers of incremental growth.

The recent economic recession saw hordes of companies take to cloud computing as a cost saving strategy. Cloud computing came as a boon for companies during tough economic and financial climate, given that the technology can potentially slash IT costs by over 35%. The bad economy fed the global cloud computing services market as cash, and revenue starved companies prowled for IT solutions that are cost-effective, require minimum to zero investments, and low management of computing resources. Technically, the feature of multi-tenancy, or the ability to scale up or scale down services on demand, makes fiscal sense in tough economic climate. And with cloud computing fitting the bill in every respect, the business case for the technology stands exemplified. In short, recession became the push factor, which tripped the market into the mass adoption stage.

As the world economy navigates its way through recession and towards recovery, organizations will still retain their appetite for cost effective solutions, but will however demand more value-creating productivity. Against this backdrop, cloud computing stands poised for post recession boom. Shifting priorities among limited budgetary constraints will make it critical for market participants to closely follow spending patterns to understand areas where companies will be spending their precious funds. Given the fact that cloud computing services help companies scale up or scale down their computing requirements and resources through public, private and hybrid clouds, the value proposition offered is overwhelming. Companies that will consume the most cloud services are expected to be those operating in a commoditized business environment where constant product differentiation is a perennial need.

Growing recognition of economic and operational benefits and the efficiency of cloud-computing model promise strong future growth. As companies ease out gradually from the economic uncertainties and financial shackles, widespread adoption of cloud services is in the offing. The pragmatic and successful adoption of this technology concept by early adopters will pave the way for mass enterprise adoption of cloud services in the upcoming years. The transition of enterprises from virtual machines to the cloud will additionally extend the impetus required for strong growth. Poised to score the maximum gains will be end-to end cloud-computing solutions that offer complete functionalities ranging from integration of internal and external clouds, automation of business critical tasks, and streamlining of business processes and workflow, among others.

Future growth in the market will be primarily driven by growing adoption of enterprise mobility as a key IT strategy among new age companies. With most of the modern business houses exploring opportunities globally, business operations in recent years are moving beyond corporate boundary walls. Global mobile worker population is also expected grow at a considerable pace in the coming years. Given the need for mobile workforce to constantly remain in touch with corporate headquarters and access business information even when away, the demand for productivity solutions such as collaboration and communications suites, IM, document sharing e-mail, and Web conferencing, which are hosted on the cloud but are accessible to a mobile workforce via browser on mobile devices, is growing at a robust pace.

Growth in the market will also be driven by the need for companies to ensure business continuity. With most businesses perceiving traditional in-house data backup infrastructure as insufficient in safeguarding critical corporate data from system failures, theft, vandalism, floods and fire, offsite backup infrastructure are magnetizing enormous interest and investments. Against this backdrop, cloud computing and web hosted storage plus backup options are increasing in popularity as companies race to online vaulting service providers to hedge the risks associated with the unknown future. Cloud computing, as a low cost alternative to traditional data backup storage options, is emerging into a viable option for business continuity and disaster data recovery management for both small-medium and large-sized businesses. Growth in the cloud computing market will also be driven by growing adoption of technology among small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Charmed by the prospect of gaining access to such high-end technologies, whose adoption until recently were largely limited to huge multinationals with strong financial muscle, SMEs have been increasing their investments on cloud computing.

As stated by the new market research report on Cloud Computing Services, the United States remains the largest regional market worldwide. Asia-Pacific is one of the fastest growing regional markets for cloud computing services, with revenues from the region waxing at a CAGR of about 35% over the analysis period. Growth in the Asia-Pacific market will be especially driven by the accelerated pace of developments in the enterprise sector, especially in emerging markets such as China and India, and the need for efficient solutions to deliver IT services. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) represents the fastest growing market segment by service type.

Key players in this marketplace include Akamai Technologies Inc., Amazon Web Services LLC, CA Technologies, Dell Inc., ENKI, Flexiant Ltd., Google Inc., Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P., IBM Corporation, Joyent Inc., KloudData Inc., Layered Technologies Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Netsuite Inc., Novell Inc., OpSource Inc., Oracle Corporation, Rackspace Hosting Inc., Red Hat Inc., Inc., Skytap Inc., Terremark Worldwide Inc., Yahoo! Inc., among others.

The research report titled Cloud Computing Services: A Global Strategic Business Report announced by Global Industry Analysts, Inc., provides a review of noteworthy market trends, growth drivers and challenges. The report in addition also enumerates recent acquisitions, and other strategic industry activities. The report offers demand estimates and projections for world Cloud Computing Services market by service verticals, Software as a Service (SaaS); Platform as a Service (PaaS); and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Key geographic markets analyzed in the report include the US, Canada, Japan, Eu

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Starbucks beats Sambucks in lawsuit Who Wins & Who Loses in Name Disputes?

Clinton, MA (PRWEB) December 6, 2005


Clinton, MA, (PRWEB) December 6, 2005 Why would Starbucks, with thousands of retail outlets, pursue a tiny (10 foot wide) coffee shop whose owner, Sam Bucks, named her shop after herself?

CNBC wanted to know, so they searched the internet and found articles written by Business Attorney Jean Sifleet. Tracking her down in Boston, an interview was quickly arranged and broadcast the same day on CNBCs Closing Bell program.

According to Sifleet, Companies invest a lot of money in naming their products and services trying to achieve a distinctive and memorable name that conveys their brand image to the marketplace. Name disputes arise when someone else uses a name that is confusingly similar and seems to trade on the established business name. In the Starbucks versus Sam Bucks case, the companies are in the same line of business, and Starbucks has a business interest in protecting its name from tarnishment or dilution.

But big companies, with deep pockets, dont always win. For example, the outcome was different when Federal Express, the overnight shipping service, objected to Federal Espresso, a coffee shop/espresso machine importer which picked the name when considering a location near the Federal building. Federal Express lost because customers for overnight delivery service were savvy enough to distinguish between coffee and delivery.

Just as CNBC found her with a few clicks on the internet, Sifleet says, its easy to check out whether anyone else is already using a name you are considering. You can google it and search the US Patent and Trademark offices website, If the name you select is similar to an existing one, you will want to consider whether your use is sufficiently different to avoid a battle (different type of service, or different geography). Youll also want to take steps to legally protect your name, by registering the domain name and applying for a Trademark. Once youve taken steps to legally protect your name, you will be better positioned to defend your name against copycats.

Jean Sifleet is the author of numerous publications including:

Name Disputes -- Who wins? Who Loses,

Domain Name Disputes - What is Cybersquatting?, and the recently released book,

Advantage IP: Profit from Your Great Ideas. Visit for more information.


The Drudge Report's Ad Impressions, Yahoo's Trademark Policy, And "" domains, All Featured In The Debut Of SEM Report Card

Phoenix, Ariz. (PRWEB) July 20, 2007

No one is excluded from scrutiny or praise in the debut of, an interactive journal with an unconventional approach set to explore the evolving world of online business and search engine marketing. SEM Report Card turned heads following its launch in late May as Tom Crandall, CEO of Ayohwahr Interactive, editorialized on such topics as Yahoo's trademark policy, questionable tactics by the Drudge Report, and brand protection issues with companies like Allstate Insurance.

Crandall, a relentless brand advocate in the online space, shares his experiences and industry insight with a fresh, new approach to search engine marketing for brands in SEM Report Card. An expert on brand marketing online, coupled with his understanding of the importance of brand protection on the web, Crandall shares his views with a no-holds-barred approach. Crandall provides insight on areas of opportunity for some of America's leading brands while addressing many of the issues facing Brand Marketers today.

"I am excited to address these issues in a public forum. I hope to spark some debate and more importantly, encourage frequently searched brands to find the path to maximum profitability online," said Crandall.

Some of the recent topics discussed on SEM Report Card include:

The questionable tactics used by the Drudge Report to increase pageviews, thereby inflating the numbers reported to current and prospective advertisers. An issue which is especially alarming to interactive marketing professionals who manage online advertising campaigns based upon CPM models.

A practical look at how brands advertising in Glamour Magazine support their offline campaigns with online messaging and calls-to-action, to truly engage targeted prospects and develop a brand relationship.

Dramatic screenshots of searches for Best Buy explain how Yahoo Search Marketing's trademark policy negatively affects brands; an issue which bobs in and out of the headlines as companies seek to protect their IP assets in the online space.

And a look at a brand protection issue that is scarring major brands in the search engines. Companies such as Allstate Insurance and University of Phoenix ignore negative websites (i.e. which are prominently visible in the first page results of Google. Learn how to eliminate or mitigate unwanted visibilty in your "brand real estate."

SEM Report Card has already made an impression on industry leaders and practioners alike since its launch. As He addresses everything from brand performance online, to the successes and failures of many to adequately protect their trademarks, copyrights and other IP assets in the online space, Tom Crandall is starting some conversations that need to be addressed. Expect this and more as SEM Report Card continues to spike debate.


CarMD Debuts New Version of Handheld Device, Software Kit and Website; Now Available For Apple Mac Systems

Fountain Valley, Calif. (PRWEB) October 26, 2009 Corporation today announced the availability of a new dual-platform Mac/PC version of its consumer automotive diagnostic product, as well as substantial enhancements to its website. These expanded applications have been developed to help even more drivers make educated decisions about their vehicles' health and maintenance.